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Amanita Phalloides in Argentina

19 December, 2008
Raquel de Souza Viera Morales, Montevideo, Uruguay. December 2008.I am interested in knowing the experience of Argentina on Amanita phalloides mushroom poisoning, which is the subject of my monografia Postgraduate (Toxicology) and I found it difficult to find data on the regional reality. Here in Uruguay is very rare but appears somewhere on a very sporadic event. I found the reference to an article about the poisoning of Liliana Figueroa, among other authors, but not if it is available in the Internet.I am  interested in therapeutics aspects.(Image from wikipedia)
Answer: Fortunately, in our region (Rosario, Santa Fe) there are no records of this fungus poisoning, therefore we have no experience. We sent an electronic reference: "Amanita phalloides poisoning, diagnosis and treatment. Talamoni Monica, Silvia Cabrerizo, Cristina Cari, Mariano Diaz, Maria Ortiz de Rozas and Italo Sager. Arch. Argent. Pediatr. V.104 n.4 Buenos Aires ju. / Aug. 2006. " [See, in Spanish]. We also got your query to our website in case any visitor can extend this información. See video.
Amanita Phalloides in Argentina
Amanita Phalloides
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