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About the deaths of nine infants who were poisoned by a combination of heparin and benzyl alcohol

23 August, 2013
Concerns raised about investigation into baby deaths. By Rosalía Simmons. prensa.com. August 23, 2013. There is little confidence among civic organizations that proper punishments will be handed out in the deaths of nine infants who were poisoned by a combination of heparin and benzyl alcohol in the neonatal unit of the Social Security Medical Complex. Fernando Díaz, a member of the Citizens Alliance, said that "the investigation will follow a course, just like the previous times," but that "we will not get to a conclusion that will allow us to identify the perpetrators and to avoid these incidents in the future."Read also related, in CDC.gov: Neonatal Deaths Associated With Use Of Benzyl Alcohol — United States
About the deaths of nine infants who were poisoned by a combination of heparin and benzyl alcohol
Alcohol bencílico
Domingo Moreno, leader of the National Medical Negotiating Commission (Comenenal), said that he had already suspected that heparin could have been the cause of the deaths because a worldwide warning had been issued not to use heparin that contained benzyl alcohol.
"However, poor controls that we have in the pharmacy system led to that warning being ignored," he said.
Moreno stressed that the administrators of facilities need to be aware of these warnings because "the doctors and nurses are relying on the fact that the products that are purchased have complied with all the requirements to be used in the country."
Both were emphatic in pointing out that until mechanisms are put in place to better regulate the purchase and use of drugs, "we still have many more tragedies ahead."
On the other hand, Deputy Hernan Delgado, a member of the Health Commission of the National Assembly, reported that a meeting has been planned for 10 a.m. Tuesday to assess the situation.
Read also: Deaths of nine Panama babies by acute poisoning. newsroompanama.com. August 19, 2013.  THE NINE premature babies who died recently at a Panama Social Security Fund (CSS) hospital died from poisoning.
Humberto Mas, director of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science, said Monday, August 19, that the infants died of the benzyl alcohol component of the drug heparin.
He said that now it will be up to the judicial authorities to determine more precisely how the drug was used in order to determine responsibilities."I can only give scientific information. I have already told the parents, that it was" acute poisoning ".Parents of the children say that there was human error and are seeking justice.

Read previous article: Ninth baby death reported by Social Security. By Manuel Vega Loo. prensa,com. July 18, 2013. Social Security officials reported this afternoon the death of one of the five infants who had survived the situation that arose in June the neonatal unit of the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Medical Complex.
Eight other infants died due to unknown causes in June.
According to the officials, the baby died Wednesday night.
"Unfortunately, the newborn encountered other difficulties which exacerbated his condition, producing this outcome," explained the official.
The agency said it is working with other agencies to determine the cause of the deaths.
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