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An article about delayed complications of sulphur mustard poisoning

13 September, 2009
Delayed head and neck complications of sulphur mustard poisoning in Iranian veterans. Zojaji R, Balali-Mood M, Mirzadeh M, Saffari A, Maleki M. J Laryngol Otol 2009; DOI: 10.1017/S0022215109990260   
Objective: Sulphur mustard is a chemical warfare agent which was used against Iranian combatants and civilians between 1983 and 1988. The purpose of this study was to document the delayed toxic effects of sulphur mustard in Iranian veterans, focussing on head and neck complications.Patients and methods:This was a two-year, prospective, descriptive study of 43 male Iranian veterans aged 34 to 48 years (mean 41.8 years) who were moderately disabled or worse due to sulphur mustard poisoning. Investigations were performed with consent, including haematological, biochemical and immunological tests, spirometry, chest X-ray, high resolution computed tomography of the lungs, and skin biopsies. Further investigations and interventions were performed as clinically indicated. Results: The most affected sites were the lungs (95 per cent), peripheral nerves (77 per cent), skin (73 per cent), eyes (68 per cent), and head and neck (16.2 per cent). Of seven patients with mostly head and neck complications, four had a skin disorder (hyperpigmentation in all four, an erythematous, papular rash in two, and dry skin in one). Two patients had thyroid cancer (undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma in one and papillary carcinoma of a thyroglossal cyst in the other, 12 and 14 years after sulphur mustard exposure, respectively). One patient had nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 12 years after sulphur mustard exposure.Conclusion: Carcinomas of the thyroid and nasopharynx in three patients with sulphur mustard exposure are reported for the first time.
An article about delayed  complications of sulphur mustard poisoning
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