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World Library of Toxicology (WLT): Connecting Scientists and Experts to Improve Global Health

8 September, 2009
Toxipedia, in partnership with the USA National Library of Medicine (NLM), the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX), and the Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders (INND), is proud to announce the launch of the World Library of Toxicology, Chemical Safety, and Environmental Health, briefly referred to as the World Library of Toxicology (WLT) .This free global Web portal provides the scientific community and public with links to major government agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, professional societies, and other groups addressing issues related to toxicology, public health, and environmental health. The World Library of Toxicology works directly with a network of country correspondents consisting of respected toxicologists and other scientists who maintain their own country-specific pages with accurate and up-to-date information. Over 45 countries from all 7 continents are represented in the WLT, with the goal of ultimately including all interested nations.Along with serving as a portal to key resources, the WLT sets the stage to connect research scientists from government and industry, academia, non-governmental organizations, the environmental advocacy community, and interested laypeople from around the world with each other. By making these diverse stakeholder groups aware of each others’ activities, the World Library of Toxicology will serve as a catalyst to encourage global collaborations and minimize duplicative efforts.  Its goal is to serve as a resource to improve global public health.
World Library of Toxicology (WLT): Connecting Scientists and Experts to Improve Global Health
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