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We need also ….Miriam Makeba

10 November, 2008
Miriam Makeba, Singer, Dies at 76. nytimes. November 10, 2008. Miriam Makeba, a South African singer whose voice stirred hopes of freedom among millions in her own country though her music was formally banned by the apartheid authorities she struggled against, died overnight after performing at a concert in Italy on Sunday. She was 76.[ Ver ]. See also in Wikipedia. See in BBC: Hundreds bid farewell to Makeba.    Watch & listen video in Read More: Pata pata
We need also ....Miriam Makeba
Pata Pata-Miriam Makeba-1967. 3:05 min. From Jameycruz. Love It.Love It.Heard This On A One-Hit Wonder Weekend A Long Time Ago.Going Through A Bunch Of Tracks And Lo And Behold There It Was I Never Forgot This Smash.You Just Want To Smile And Laugh When You Hear This.Mariam Makeba Has Made The Whole World Happy With This Song.Thanks Mariam

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