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Illegal Avicides

22 July, 2008
Illegal Substance Used In Bird Killings – Police Resume Investigation. SooNews.ca.July 21, 2008.The investigation into the poisoning of 16 crows last Spring has resumed now that an illegal drug has been identified as the lethal bait.The results from the tests were released identifying the poison that killed 16 crows was a controlled substance known as Avitrol.[ See ] See also related: Avitrol and other Avicides. Watch video in Read more.
Illegal Avicides
Dead Crow Investigation. July 22, 2008. EXCLUSIVE VIDEO was taken the morning that the crows were found dying in Oriana’s yard at the request of City Police to document evidence in the crime The video was released to Soonews.ca today.
The video report may contain images disturbing to some viewers.
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