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Tokio: remember Sarin subway attack

20 March, 2008
Japan marks 13th anniversary of deadly subway gas attacks.Todayonline, March 20,2008.Japan on Thursday marked the 13th anniversary of the 1995 deadly subway nerve gas attacks, with victims’ families and colleagues calling on the government for help.Train staff held a moment of silence at the Kasumigaseki station, where two railway workers died as the Nazi-invented sarin gas was released into packed commuter trains during the morning rush hour.In all, 12 people were killed and more than 5,000 injured, many of them severely, when the Aum Supreme Truth doomsday cult attacked several stations and trains simultaneously. See in Wikipedia:Sarin &  Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.  
Tokio: remember Sarin subway attack
El jefe de la estación de metro pone un ramo de flores en el altar de las víctimas del ataque con Gas Sarin de 1995

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