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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

From Cuenca, Ecuador

8 January, 2008
Ruth Rosas Castro, Prof. Chief T. P., Faculty of Chemical Sciences, Cuenca, Ecuador. This is to send to you my greetings and congratulations for your bulletin, to which I’m subscribed: I consider it’s a tool to enrich and to strength the professional knowledge of us all. I’m very interested in knowing the technique used for the determination of lead in blood, the one mentioned in the work awarded by Foundation Riveros. It will be one great scientific experience in my city, which is affected by lead contamination. I’ve made a research about the inhalants used by street children with drugs problems and their relationship with kidney function.
Answer: Thanks a lot for your lines. The methodology of the work you mentioned must be: Evaluation of lead in blood = Elves Method / Spectrophotometry of atomic absorption (See in Spanish). Any doubt, in the work is mentioned the mail of one of the authors.
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