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Very toxic toys

7 December, 2007
Lead, Arsenic, Other Harmful Chemicals Found in Popular Toys; Michigan-based Ecology Center Releases Testing Results and Consumer Action Guide at www.HealthyToys.org.Holiday Favorites, Including Hannah Montana & Circo, Contaminated with High Levels of Toxic Chemicals. Dec. 5, 2007. The Ecology Center, a Michigan-based nonprofit organization, today released the results of their testing of 1,200 popular children’s toys for toxic chemicals at www.HealthyToys.org. Working with environmental health groups across the country, the Ecology Center led the development of the site to inform consumers about products they will be purchasing this holiday season. Parents and other holiday shoppers can now easily search by product name, brand, or toy type to learn how the products rate in terms of harmful chemical content. [ See ]. See related notice:Asbestos suspected in ‘CSI’ fingerprint kit and Watch video.
Very toxic toys
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