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Good for Eduardo Arias

2 October, 2007
The Everyman Who Exposed Tainted Toothpaste.New York Times.Oct.1,2007. Eduardo Arias hardly fits the profile of someone capable of humbling one of the world’s most formidable economic powers. A truck leaving the Colón Free Trade Zone in Panama. Some of the contaminated toothpaste from China that wound up on store shelves this year had been shipped through the trade zone. But one Saturday morning in May, Eduardo Arias did something that would reverberate across six continents. He read the label on a 59-cent tube of toothpaste. On it were two words that had been overlooked by government inspectors and health authorities in dozens of countries: diethylene glycol, the same sweet-tasting, poisonous ingredient in antifreeze that had been mixed into cold syrup here, killing or disabling at least 138 Panamanians last year.[ See ]From SERTOX: Congratulations!
Good for Eduardo Arias
Eduardo Arias
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