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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

January 2008

1 December, 2007
N° 56 – January 2008
Monthly Electronic Newsletter of Sertox (Latin-American Portal of Toxicology) – Year 5
January 2008We have varied news from Sertox to share which you including updates of RETEL: an article to close the edition No. 13. The frequency of publication of the Journal of Toxicology on line is three annual issues. The 13 th edition ends along with the year 2007. We do not say "our" magazine, because fortunately has become an option for Latin American publication. In this regard read editorial, entitled "Contribution to the Analytical Toxicology from Merida, Venezuela." (only available in Spanish). We began publishing No. 14 in January/2008 an article sent from Tucuman, Ar (See). We are happy because RETEL has been indexed by the Spanish Society for Adolescent Medicine (AEP) and we are very happy also for the recognition of our site from  Mate.ar (See). Our web exceeded 300,000 visitors during 2007. We present also updating links and FAQs.  Are so many news related to toxic and  poisoning that our task more difficult is selecting them: we thought it interesting that vaccuns kill fleas (see), is remarkable the news (including abstract) on the new oral antidote for cyanide poisoning developed by researchers from Minnesota and Minneapolis , USA (see), the argyria (see) and many more. As always we have important contributions and our recommendations, in this edition include articles published in 2007 related Toxicology (see). We recommend you to read complete each news bulletin this click the sign ->  at the end of the title (and click on the image if you want to expand it). You can see the bulletin in Spanish, as not all the news is translated to English language (and conversely). And for those living in the Southern Hemisphere: Happy holidays! Our image is dedicated to them. Thank you to all the friends and subscribers who sent greetings and good wishes for the holiday!. Until next number.JCP
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