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More about fipronil egg contamination

4 September, 2017
Fipronil egg contamination scandal and consequences for the food chain: update.europarl.europa.eu. September 01, 2017. Oeuf fipronil A representative from the Commission’s DG SANTE updated the AGRI Committee on Thursday morning on the state-of-play of the scandal related to the illegal use of the active substance Fipronil in laying hen farms in several Member States and its consequences in the whole EU food supply chain. Most Member States have been affected by the withdrawal of eggs or processed products containing eggs.  Committee Members were eager to obtain more information on the situation and expected implications for the farming sector.Read more in PDF format: Illegal use of fipronil containing substance in laying hen farms and the consequences for the food chain. By Sabine Jülicher
More about fipronil egg contamination
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