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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

1998 – XVIII Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Toxicología – Bs. As., 25 Sep

Occupational chronic lead poisoning in Rosario, Argentina, 1990-1998


Piola JC, Prada DBAbstract Lead poisoning is the most frequent toxic occupational disease in our region. This work presents the data of 139 patients with occupational chronic lead poisoning that were attended by us between 1990 and 1998 (54% of total chronic poisoning cases in this period). Profile of these patients are: male 99.28 %, […]

Rhabdomyolisis after acute skin exposure to a herbicide. Report of two Clinical cases


J. C. Piola (1); D.B. Prada (1); D.C. Ezpeleta (1)(1) Servicio de Toxicología del Sanatorio de Niños, RosarioActa Toxicológica Argentina (1999) 7 (1): 11-15 AbstractHerbicides like dicamba are used to control broad-leaved weeds. This and others of the fenoxicetic family are formulated as ester or salts, sometimes containing up to 50% active ingredient. Muscle weakness […]

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